Booking Conditions

Welcome To The Essential Corner

Please take the time to read and understand the conditions of booking set out below prior to booking a trip with GuGuides. We also recommend that you read the relevant information for your chosen trip on the website prior to booking, to ensure that you understand the itinerary of the trip you are undertaking.


These Booking Conditions, together with our privacy policy and where your trip is booked via our website, our Website Terms of Use, together with any other written information we brought to your attention before we confirmed your booking, form the basis of your contract with GuGuides, a company registered in Indonesia, with company number: 08094426 and registered office address of Rijasa Street. Banjar Nagi. Petulu Village. Ubud. Bali (“we”, “us”, “our”).

Please read them carefully as they set out our respective rights and obligations. In these Booking Conditions references to “you” and “your” include the first named person on the booking and all persons on whose behalf a booking is made or any other person to whom a booking is added or transferred.

By making a booking, the first named person on the booking agrees on behalf of all persons detailed on the booking that:

  • He/she has read these Booking Conditions and has the authority to and does agree to be bound by them;
  • He/she consents to our use of personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy and is authorized on behalf of all persons named on the booking to disclose their personal details to us, including where applicable special categories of data (such as information on health conditions or disabilities and dietary requirements);
  • He/she is over 18 years of age and where placing an order for services with age restrictions declares that he/she and all members of the party are of the appropriate age to purchase those services;
  • He/she accepts financial responsibility for payment of the booking on behalf of all persons detailed on the booking.
  • He/she acknowledges that by booking a tour, he/she consents that any images or video footage taken during your tour and shared by your group leader, other members of your group or any media you have shared (via, but not limited to, group, social media etc.) can be used for marketing purposes. You consent to GuGuides having permission to publish these photos and videos and details (including your first name, location and date) for marketing purposes including, but not limited to, on our website, social media, email marketing and any other marketing channel.


A booking is made with us when you pay us a non-refundable deposit of GBP 200, EUR 240 AUD 250, CAD 360, NZD 400 or USD 280 per person, as applicable, (or full payment if you are booking within 60 days of the tour start date) and we issue you with a booking confirmation. We reserve the right to return your deposit and decline to issue a booking confirmation at our absolute discretion. A binding contract will come into existence between you and us as soon as we have issued you with a booking confirmation that will confirm the details of your booking and will be sent to you or your travel agent. Upon receipt, if you believe that any details on the booking confirmation or any other document is wrong you must advise us immediately as changes cannot be made later and it may harm your rights if we are not notified of any inaccuracies in any document within ten days of our sending it out.

We endeavour to ensure that all the information and prices on our website are accurate, however occasionally changes and errors occur and we reserve the right to correct prices and other details in such circumstances. You must check the current price and all other details relating to the arrangements that you wish to book before you make your booking.

Adequate travel insurance is a condition of your contract with us. You must be satisfied that your insurance fully covers all your personal requirements including pre-existing medical conditions, cancellation charges, medical expenses and repatriation in the event of accident or illness. On the first day of each trip, one of our representatives will verify that you have sufficient insurance in place. If you are undertaking any adventure sports or other such activities as part of your tour, you must ensure this is covered by your travel insurance policy. If you choose to travel without adequate insurance cover, we will not be liable for any losses howsoever arising, in respect of which insurance cover would otherwise have been available.

We reserve the right to amend the price of unsold trips at any time and correct errors in the prices of confirmed trips. We also reserve the right to increase the price of confirmed trips solely to allow for increases which are a direct consequence of changes in:

  (i) The price of the carriage of passengers resulting from the cost of fuel or other power sources;

  (ii) The level of taxes or fees chargeable for services applicable to the trip imposed by third parties not directly involved in the performance of the trip, including tourist taxes, landing taxes or embarkation or disembarkation fees at ports and airports; and

  (iii) The exchange rates relevant to the package.

Such variations could include but are not limited to airline cost changes which are part of our contracts with airlines (and their agents) and any other transport providers.

We will absorb and you will not be charged for any increase equivalent to 2% of the price of your travel arrangements, which excludes insurance premiums and any amendment charges and/or additional services or travel arrangements. You will be charged for the amount over and above that. However, if this means that you have to pay an increase of more than 8% of the price of your confirmed trip (excluding any insurance premiums, amendment charges and/or additional services or travel arrangements), you will have the option of accepting a change to another trip if we are able to offer one (if this is of equivalent or higher quality you will not have to pay more but if it is of lower quality you will be refunded the difference in price), or cancelling and receiving a full refund of all monies paid to us, except for any insurance premiums and any amendment charges and/or additional services or travel arrangements. Should you decide to cancel for this reason, you must exercise your right to do so within 7 days from the issue date printed on your final invoice. We will consider an appropriate refund of insurance premiums paid if you can show that you are unable to transfer or reuse your policy.

Should the price of your trip go down due to the changes mentioned above, then any refund due will be paid to you less an administrative fee of £50. However, please note that travel arrangements are not always purchased in local currency and some apparent changes have no impact on the price of your travel due to contractual and other protection in place.

If there is a discount added to the trip after a booking is made this discount is not applicable to the tour that has already booked and a refund of the new discounted price will not be given.

There will be no change made to the price of your confirmed trip within 20 days of your departure nor will refunds be paid during this period.

These Booking Conditions and any agreement to which they apply are governed in all respects by Indonesian law. We both agree that any dispute, claim or other matter which arises between us out of or in connection with your contract or booking will be dealt with by the Courts of Indonesian.

If you are forced to return home early, we cannot refund the cost of any travel arrangements you have not used. If you cut short your trip and return home early in circumstances where you have no reasonable cause for complaint about the standard of accommodation and services provided, we will not offer you any refund for that part of your trip not completed, or be liable for any associated costs you may incur. Depending on the circumstances, your travel insurance may offer cover for curtailment and we suggest that any claim is made directly with them.

If you wish to change any part of your booking after our confirmation invoice has been issued, you must inform us in writing as soon as possible. This should be done by the first named person on the booking. Whilst we will do our best to assist, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to meet your requested change. Where we can meet a request, all changes will be subject to payment of an administration fee of £50 per person per change, as well as any costs and charges incurred by us and/or incurred or imposed by any of our suppliers in making this change. You should be aware that these costs could increase the closer to the departure date that changes are made and you should contact us as soon as possible. Where we are unable to assist you and you do not wish to proceed with the original booking we will treat this as a cancellation by you.

Date Change / Transfer of Booking:

If you or any member of your party is prevented from traveling, that person(s) may transfer their place to someone else, subject to the following conditions:

   A. That person is introduced by you and satisfies all the conditions applicable to the trip;

   B. We are notified not less than 60 days before departure;

   C. You pay any outstanding balance payment, an amendment fee of £50 per person transferring, as well as any additional fees, charges or other costs arising from the transfer; and

   D. The transferee agrees to these booking conditions and all other terms of the contract between us.

   E. Bookings can be transferred to other destinations / products if upgrading your package, however any difference in balance will need to be paid. Downgrading Your package is not possible.

   F. All travellers are entitled to one free date change of their trip outside of 60 days before departure. Any subsequent date changes after this will be charged an administration fee of £50 per person.

   G. Any date changes made within 30-60 days of departure will be charged at a minimum administration fee of £50 per person.

   H. Date changes within 30 days of travel need to be requested with our sales team and cannot be guaranteed. Charges for these changes will start at a minimum of £50 per person but could rise to the full cost of the tour.

If your original booking has a discount on file we cannot guarantee this discount will be carried over to a new departure should you choose to change your departure date.

You and the transferee remain jointly and severally liable for payment of all sums. If you are unable to find a replacement, cancellation charges as set out in clause 8 will apply in order to cover our estimated costs. Otherwise, no refunds will be given for passengers not traveling or for unused services.

Important Note: Certain arrangements may not be amended or transferred after they have been confirmed and any alteration could incur a cancellation charge of up to 100% of that part of the arrangements.

If you or any other member of your party decides to cancel your confirmed booking you must notify us in writing. Your notice of cancellation will only take effect when it is received in writing by us at our offices and will be effective from the date on which we receive it.

Since we incur costs in cancelling your arrangements, you will have to pay the cancellation charges as follows:

Period before departure in which you notify us

Cancellation Charge

More than 60 days

Loss of deposit

60 days or less

100% of trip cost


Please note that insurance premiums and amendments charges are not refundable in any circumstances.

Once you have put down a deposit for a tour, you are unable to cancel and re book within a promotional period and we reserve the right to amend the pricing on any new booking you make within that time. If you cancel a tour and book the same tour under a promotional code, we reserve the right to decline the booking.

Important Note: Certain arrangements may not be amended after they have been confirmed and any alteration or cancellation could incur a cancellation charge of up to 100% of that part of the arrangements in addition to the charge above.

If the reason for your cancellation is covered under the terms of your insurance policy, you may be able to reclaim these charges.

Where possible, we will deduct the cancellation charge(s) from any monies you have already paid to us.


Cancellation by You due to Unavoidable & Extraordinary Circumstances:

You have the right to cancel your confirmed trip before departure without paying a cancellation charge in the event of “unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances” occurring at your trip destination or its immediate vicinity and significantly affecting the performance of the trip or significantly affecting the transport arrangements to the destination. In these circumstances, we shall provide you with a full refund of the monies you have paid but we will not be liable to pay you any additional compensation. Please note that your right to cancel in these circumstances will only apply where the Foreign and Commonwealth Office advises against travel to your destination or its immediate vicinity. For the purposes of this clause, “unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances” means warfare, acts of terrorism, significant risks to human health such as the outbreak of serious disease at the travel destination or natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes or weather conditions which make it impossible to travel safely to the travel destination.

As we plan your trip arrangements many months in advance we may occasionally have to make changes or cancel your booking and we reserve the right to do so at any time.

Changes: If we make a minor change to your trip, we will make reasonable efforts to inform you or your travel agent as soon as reasonably possible if there is time before your departure but we will have no liability to you. Examples of minor changes include alteration of your outward/return flights by less than 12 hours, changes to aircraft type, change of accommodation to another of the same or higher standard, or changes of carriers. Please note that carriers such as airlines used in the brochure may be subject to change.

Occasionally we may have to make a significant change to your confirmed arrangements. Examples of “significant changes” include the following, when made before departure:

  (a) A change of accommodation area for the whole or a significant part of your time away.

  (b) A change of accommodation to that of a lower standard or classification for the whole or a significant part of your time away.

  (c) A change of the overall length of your arrangements by more than 12 hours.

  (d) A significant change to your itinerary, missing out one or more destination entirely.


Cancellation: We will not cancel your travel arrangements less than 60 days before your departure date, except for reasons of force majeure or failure by you to pay the final balance.

If we have to make a significant change or cancel, we will tell you as soon as possible and if there is time to do so before departure, we will offer you the choice of:

(for significant changes) accepting the changed arrangements; or

having a refund of all monies paid; or

accepting an offer of alternative travel arrangements of a comparable or higher standard from us, if available (at no extra cost); or

if available, accepting an offer of alternative arrangements of a lower standard, with a refund of the price difference between the original arrangements and the alternative arrangements.

You must notify us of your choice within 7 days of our offer. If we do not hear from you within 7 days, we will contact you again to request notification of your choice. If you fail to respond again, we will assume that you have chosen to accept the change or alternative booking arrangements.

Insurance If we cancel or make a significant change and you accept a refund, we will provide a full refund of your travel insurance premiums if you paid them to us and can show that you are unable to transfer or reuse your policy.



In addition to a full refund of all monies paid by you, we will pay you compensation as detailed below, in the following circumstances:

If, where we make a significant change, you do not accept the changed arrangements and cancel your booking;

If we cancel your booking and no alternative arrangements are available.

The compensation that we offer does not exclude you from claiming more if you are entitled to do so.

Period before departure in which we notify you

Amount you will receive from us per person*

More than 30 days


30 – 15 days


14 days or less



*IMPORTANT NOTE: We will not pay you compensation in the following circumstances:

  (a) where we make a minor change;

  (b) where we make a significant change or cancel your arrangements more than 30 days before departure;

  (c) where we make a significant change and you accept those changed arrangements or you accept an offer of alternative travel arrangements;

  (d) where we have to cancel your arrangements as a result of your failure to make full payment on time;

  (e) where the change or cancellation by us arises out of alterations to the confirmed booking requested by you;

  (f) where we are forced to cancel or change your arrangements due to Force Majeure (see clause 10).


If we become unable to provide a significant proportion of the arrangements that you have booked with us after you have departed, we will, if possible, make alternative arrangements for you at no extra charge and where those alternative arrangements are of a lower standard, provide you with an appropriate price reduction.

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